Wednesday, March 26, 2008

"A Treasury of Great American Scandals"

During political campaign season, scandal seems to be a common denominator that wreaks havoc on candidates, causes headaches for campaign staff and leads to much head-scratching and questions for supporters and adversaries alike. In the last few weeks, a few major scandals (Former NY Governor Eliot Spitzer, the Reverend of Barack Obama's church, etc.) have raised red flags for voters.

We are familiar with scandals from the last 20 years. Think White Water, Monica Lewinsky, Watergate, Iran-Contra. However, they have been part of the political arena for some time. There is a great book "A Treasury of Great American Scandals" by Michael Farquhar. It sure makes our times seem tame!


1) Use the internet to look up famous political scandals from 1776 - 1970. See what you come up with. There are some doozies out there!

2) Discuss with an adult (parent, guardian, older sibling, grandparent) the following points:
- What do you remember about any scandals from your generation.
- Did the scandal affect your perception of the officer in question? How?
- Do you think scandal is beneficial to the political process?

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